@article{oai:hokuriku.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000103, author = {木藤聡一 and 藤澤卓也 and 三好幸司}, issue = {56}, journal = {北陸大学紀要, Bulletin of Hokuriku University}, month = {Mar}, note = {We have developed a new online tool “Instant Feedback Test Creator” for the Individual Readiness Assurance Test (IRAT) and Group Readiness Assurance Test (GRAT) on Team-Based Learning (TBL). One of the main characteristics of TBL is the process of providing immediate feedback to groups during GRAT to improve learning outcomes among students. Many educators have traditionally used the paper-based “scratch-off cards” for immediate feedback during GRAT. The online tool allows educators to switch from paper-based to digital scratch-off cards, thereby to reduce the effort to create the test. The online tool has the ability to create not only digital scratch-off card typed test for GRAT but also digital multiple-choice typed test for IRAT. It is available free of charge from the official website of Hokuriku University as an “open education” program. We will report on the functional features, how to use, and learning effect of the online tool.}, pages = {1--27}, title = {スクラッチカード機能を備えた新規 web テストシステム “Instant Feedback Test Creator” の開発とその効果検証}, year = {2024} }