@article{oai:hokuriku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000324, author = {渡辺, 和人 and Watanabe, Kazuhito and 木村, 敏行 and Kimura, Toshiyuki and 宇佐見, 則行 and Usami, Noriyuki and 山本, 郁男 and Yamamoto, Ikuo}, issue = {38}, journal = {北陸大学紀要, Bulletin of Hokuriku University}, month = {Dec}, note = {There are many novels that deal with marijuana as drug novels. Among them, the novel entitled “Kaigo-nyumon” written by Mr. Norio Mob was to win the Akutagawa Award in 2004. A marijuana user appears in the novel. We thought that a part of the novel was written by the author under the influence of marijuana. This review critically analyzes the contents of the novel from a scientific point of view.}, pages = {37--49}, title = {大麻文化科学考(その25)}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ワタナベ, カズヒト and キムラ, トシユキ and ウサミ, ノリユキ and ヤマモト, イクオ} }