@article{oai:hokuriku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000547, author = {竹井, 巖 and Takei, Iwao}, issue = {46}, journal = {北陸大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the Edo era, there were the foot soldiers “Teko-Ashigaru” in the Kaga domain. They had been engaged in managing the gardens in Kanazawa castle and carrying official cargoes of the domain. They had to have the necessary qualities of big and strong men; it was known that they“Teko-Ashigaru” had a lot of anecdotes about very strong men. In addition, they had maintained the snow cellar "Himuro" situated in the “Gyokusenin-Maru” garden of Kanazawa castle, and were probably technical experts at taking care of the snow-ice stored in the domain. Matters of the “Teko-Ashigaru” and "Himuro" were collected and discussed by using historical documents connected with the Kaga domain., 江戸時代の加賀藩では、「手木足軽」という職制があった。この手木足軽は、藩の庭園管理を主務とし、藩の荷物運搬にも携わっていた。この足軽は、「大男」で「剛力」であることが資質として求められ、「剛力」に関する特異な逸話も伝えられている。特筆すべき事として手木足軽は、金沢城の玉泉院丸庭園にあった雪を貯蔵する「氷室」の管理維持を担当しており、藩の雪氷利用を担当する技術職集団であったことである。この「手木足軽」と「氷室」について、加賀藩資料の関連記事を整理して論じた。}, pages = {1--18}, title = {加賀藩手木足軽と氷室に関する覚え書き}, year = {2019}, yomi = {タケイ, イワオ} }