@article{oai:hokuriku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000579, author = {奥田 , 純子 and Okuda, Junko}, issue = {47}, journal = {北陸大学紀要, Bulletin of Hokuriku University}, month = {Sep}, note = {Japan, some of the career education in high school has been promoted so that more young people will remain in the region. However, few researches have been done on its effects. That is the reason why this paper reviewed studies on it. The author used the databases “J-STAGE” and “CiNii Articles,” from which twenty-six related articles were extracted. This paper divided the articles into two categories according to whether the effects were measured before students’ graduation or after, and classified the articles. The main findings were as follows: (1) Most of the studies were focusing on the effects “before” students graduated from their high schools, and few studies were looking at the effects “after” their graduation. (2) Most of the effects “after” graduation were analyzed quantitatively. (3) In most of the studies analyzed in this paper, it was uncertain whether the effects were truly caused by the career education itself. Thus it is suggested that a more sophisticated study design is needed to inspect the effects of career education and that more analyses of survey data should be done related to education and employment., 〔査読有り〕の研究ノート 本研究は、キャリア教育が与える効果の「時期」に着目し、「高校卒業前」および「高校卒業後」の就業に与える影響について分析した研究を整理し、今後の研究における課題を提示することを目的とした。 CiNii Articles及びJ-STAGEを用いて、キャリア教育の効果に関する研究を検索し、18本の論文について、キャリア教育の対象者(学年・学科)、内容、効果に着目して分析した。その結果、高校におけるキャリア教育の効果を検証した研究の多くは、「高校卒業前」の効果に着目したものに偏っており、卒業後の「就業」に与える影響を分析した研究は非常に少ないことが明らかになった。  本研究の結果から、高校における教育と就業に関わる調査データの分析を行うことが今後の課題であることが示唆された。}, pages = {37--56}, title = {高校におけるキャリア教育・職業教育の効果に関する研究動向}, year = {2019}, yomi = {オクダ, ジュンコ} }