@article{oai:hokuriku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000588, author = {板倉 , 栄一郎 and Itakura , Eiichiro}, issue = {48}, journal = {北陸大学紀要, Bulletin of Hokuriku University}, month = {Mar}, note = {As the title suggests, this paper has discussed the realization of an “educational course open to society”. he Japanese-style education system has been positively evaluated in Western Europe, but with an emphasis on the continuity of child-rearing discipline and school education with reference to the view that the system is facing a crisis and research results of brain science about. To that end, he recommended that the connection between children and adults as “individuals” should be emphasized, and that this should be practiced in educational settings. He also gained the ability to sense the feelings of others and argued that this is important for living in society, 〔査読有り〕の原著論文 本稿は、現代の日本社会の構造モデルと日本人の志向性、そして日本型教育システムと社会性の育成を相互に考察した。次いで、自説を補強すべく、日本社会における子育て・しつけの伝統を考察した。考察の結果、「社会に開かれた教育課程」の実現に際して、「個」としての子どもと「個」としての大人を繋ぐことを教育現場で実践することに教育的意義があるという結論に達した。}, pages = {17--28}, title = {「社会に開かれた教育課程」の実現に向けて-子どもと大人を “ つなぐ ” という観点から-}, year = {2020}, yomi = {イタクラ, エイイチロウ} }