@article{oai:hokuriku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000593, author = {任 , 穎 and Ren, Ying}, issue = {48}, journal = {北陸大学紀要, Bulletin of Hokuriku University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The number of plant and animal poems which were produced in the Edo Period is very large, with many of them possessing very rich and expressive prose. In 1776, Nihon Eibutsushi was published. It was the first anthology of poems about plants and animals in the history of Japanese poetry. In Nihon Eibutsushi , the Sakura poems are in front of the plum poems. This annotation exhibits the 21th to the 40th Japanese kanshi about flowers in Nihon Eibutsushi . By doing so it may be observed that at the end of the Edo period, poems about flowers had begun to evolve from a Chinese style to a unique Japanese style., 本稿では、『日本詠物詩』の「花部」124首(附録10首)の漢詩について注釈を施し、それらの漢詩がどのような基準で選ばれ、またどのような面において、日本の詠物詩としての特徴が見られるかについて検討したい。さて、本稿は前掲の「『日本詠物詩』花部注釈(1)」および「『日本詠物詩』花部注釈(2)」に続き、「花部」の第31番から第40番の作品の注釈を取り扱うこととしたい。}, pages = {137--145}, title = {『日本詠物詩』花部注釈(3)}, year = {2020} }