@article{oai:hokuriku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000599, author = {安田, 優 and Ysuda, Masaru and 轟, 里香 and Todoroki , Rika}, issue = {48}, journal = {北陸大学紀要, Bulletin of Hokuriku University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The idea of using literary works negatively reminds people of the traditional grammartranslation method, which tends to be thought passive and out of place in the age of active learning. The active learning method is usually said to motivate students to learn by their own initiative, making it possible for learners to acquire the basic social, communicative and practical abilities. Here arises a question: does utilizing literary works necessarily have to be connected only to passive learning? Literary materials have a lot of possibilities. Depending on the usage, they could be efficient study materials even in the active learning classroom. Literary works being socio-cultural constructions, students can learn both cultural and social issues in an authentic context. Literary texts also contain many useful expressions and vocabularies seen in everyday life. As in reality, they require learners to read between the lines and make inferences, which is one of the most indispensable skills of communication. Most of all, literature has much room for interpretation. If adequately utilized, literary materials would stimulate students’ imagination and bring out many ideas from them. They thereby would spontaneously come to want to discuss their ideas with peers. The atmosphere of the classroom would then be active in the fullest sense. So as to make the most of literature, however, it is desirable that it is better received by students. Learning time at university is limited, and materials that motivate students the most might enhance their learning capacities. This essay is intended as an investigation of how students view literary materials through a questionnaire survey and to suggest the further possibility of using literature in the English classroom., 〔査読有り〕の原著論文 責任著者:轟 里香 2007 年 4 月から 2017 年 3 月まで北陸大学未来創造学部所属。本稿は北陸大学在職時の 研究を基に発展させたものである。 大学において、特に進級状況の緩やかな学生の英語力を高めるための一方法としての多読、そして実際の授業における多読の活用可能性について検討する。}, pages = {77--89}, title = {英語学習における英語文学作品の有用性 -学習者の視点から-}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ヤスダ, マサル} }