@article{oai:hokuriku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000615, author = {五味, 一成 and Gomi, Kazunari}, issue = {49}, journal = {北陸大学紀要, Bulletin of Hokuriku University}, month = {Sep}, note = {This paper focuses on the gold leaf industry in Kanazawa, and examines how one innovative longevity company could transform from traditional craft manufacturing to global industrial product manufacturer especially from the perspective of family business and of succession scheme which was previously proposed by the author. The research started with the history of the gold leaf industry in this district, investigated the managerial characteristics of the target family business for three management generations, and conducted an interview with the current president. This study was able to recognize the business characteristics necessary for structural transformation of business and for maintaining successful business outcomes, social relationships and aggressive organizational culture., 〔査読有り〕の原著論文 金箔を中心とした石川県金沢市における箔業は、その伝統とともに高い市場占有率を誇る。その典型的伝統工芸産業から工業製品製造企業へと事業転換を行い、現在も新たな挑戦を続ける長寿ファミリービジネスがある。今回箔業の歴史と共に事業転換となった経緯や経営的背景、またファミリー内に受け継がれる経営的示唆を、実地リサーチを基に明らかにする。}, pages = {15--36}, title = {伝統工芸産業におけるファミリービジネスのイノベーション経営-金箔産業から工業製品製造企業へ-}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ゴミ, カズナリ} }