@article{oai:hokuriku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000625, author = {階戸, 陽太 and Shinato, Yota}, issue = {49}, journal = {北陸大学紀要, Bulletin of Hokuriku University}, month = {Sep}, note = {This paper aims to report effective efforts to introduce e-learning System into English education in the new faculty, Faculty of International Communication. E-learning system, Super Eigo, has been introduced since 2017. All of the students study elearning as an assignment for one of the English subjects. The assignments are set by using the scale of mileage which is given according to the achievement of the learning or activity time on the system. In 2019, a Sales representative who was one of the developers was invited to explain Super Eigo. The aim of invitation was for the students’ better understanding of the system and their autonomous learning. The session was set in the beginning of the fall semester 2019. All English major students from 2nd year and 3rd year listened to the sales person in the class which the e-learning was assigned in. The effect of this effort was examined by the analysis of the data of the e-learning, TOEIC Listening and Reading score and the students’ reflection of the class. According to the result, the talk of the sales person was motivated students. However, the result of TOEIC L&R showed the necessity of improvement., 本稿は、新学部の英語教育にeラーニングを効果的に取り入れるための取り組みについて報告することを目的としている。特に2019年のeラーニングの取り組みに焦点を当て、説明会の効果について、学習時間、TOEICの結果、学生の振り返りをもとに考察を行う。説明会は学生の意欲にプラスの効果をもたらしたが、実施方法には、さらに改善の必要がある。}, pages = {143--153}, title = {学部の英語教育に e ラーニングを効果的に取り入れる工夫-新学部での取り組み-}, year = {2020}, yomi = {シナト, ヨウタ} }