@article{oai:hokuriku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000692, author = {轟, 里香 and Todoroki, Rika}, issue = {52}, journal = {北陸大学紀要, Bulletin of Hokuriku University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The aim of this article is to consider the use of Japanese personal pronouns in TV programs. Todoroki (1998) shows that there are differences between personal pronouns in Japanese and those in English. According to Todoroki (1998), Japanese personal pronouns are rarely used in TV news programs or newspapers. This is one of the characteristics of Japanese personal pronouns. Including this linguistic phenomenon, Todoroki (1998) compares personal pronouns in Japanese with those in English, which provides an analysis of personal pronouns based on the theory of territory of information developed in Kamio (1990) and proposes a functional constraint on the occurrence of personal pronouns in Japanese. However, personal pronouns are sometimes used in Japanese news programs as of 2021. This article considers why there is a change in the use of personal pronouns in Japanese TV news programs and clarifies the reason personal pronouns sometimes appear in TV news programs unlike newspapers, by comparing TV news and entertainment programs. A lot of TV news programs have been changed to be similar to entertainment programs, especially, to TV drams. The number of personal pronouns used in TV drams has been increasing in recent years. This affects the language used in news programs and causes personal pronouns in those programs., 英語と日本語の人称代名詞の相違と、日本語の人称代名詞のテレビ番組での使用について考察する。}, pages = {171--190}, title = {テレビ番組における代名詞の使用に関する一考察}, year = {2022}, yomi = {トドロキ, リカ} }